People should mind their etiquette. Etiquette is un written norm and the way how we should manage ourselves to stand upright. For example we must speak gently to our parents, friend and other people. According to Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson, there are three factors. That influence etiquette those are power, social near and duty step. This theory completed with sociolinguistics lecture from
Why we must have and practice etiquette. Because we have four basic for the etiquette, that is:
- Teaching from Islamic religion and our parents, must to obidiend and to awake.
- So that , can to recerve many people.
- And all people can back respect.
- Social norm.
For that, wherever and whenever we are, we have to mind our etiquette because by behaving well, our family relationship can be tied to each other forever. From now on, we must practice “5S” from Indonesia . That is Senyum, Salam, Sapa, Sopan, Santun or in english Smile, Peace, Greeting, Respectful, Courteous.
By: Ersha Farah Dea
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